Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?

3 min readAug 18, 2020

Why do bad things happen to good people? This is a hard question most people will ask at some point in their life. But what if I told you that something bad has actually only happened to a good person one time in history? Over two thousand years ago, a man who was perfect in every way, sinless, both fully God and fully human, was crucified on the cross to pay for sins that He did not commit. That person is Jesus. The Bible says in Romans 3:10, “There is none righteous, no not one.” In today’s culture, we are accustomed to measuring our level of sin on the scale of good or bad. We say, “I have never murdered anyone, I have never cheated on my wife, I go to church most Sundays, and I read the Bible, so I must be good.” I myself have fallen into the trap many times of thinking that my works have an effect on my favor with God. But the truth is, ever since the fall in Genesis 3, humanity has been contaminated with the disease of sin. Romans 3:11 goes on to say that, “There is none that understands, no one seeks God.” We all have fallen short and that sin is deserving of eternal punishment. BUT GOD did not stop there.

Photo by Jude Beck on Unsplash

God gave us a chance to trade in eternal damnation, to trade in our sin and our mistakes, for eternal life with Him. Jesus paid the price for our sin. That is the Gospel. From that lies the motivation for how we are to act. As a believer, we walk with patience, self-control, kindness, gentleness, and confidence, not because of something we will gain from our works, but because Christ is working in and through us. One influential saying from the documentary The American Gospel says this: “The Law says do, but the Gospel says done.” You cannot work to make God love you more, and you cannot work to make it into heaven. The price has already been paid, you just have to accept it! The Gospel is not Christ + Health + Wealth, the Gospel is Christ alone. Becoming a believer does not mean that you will become wealthy and successful and healthy. The gospel means you get Heaven. God has shown us through numerous Bible characters that often the Christian life will be marked with suffering; however, we can trust that this suffering will ultimately be used for God’s glory. After all, who are we to question the ways of God? God uses everything for His purpose and ultimately to conform us to His image.

Now if you aren’t a Christian, you may be asking, “Why the heck would I want to become a Christian now? I have to serve my enemies, give 10% of my income, and I may (and probably will) have to endure suffering.” The answer is one and yet many reasons. First and foremost, you are dead in your sins. Trusting in Christ gives you eternal life. For Christians, whatever suffering, whatever pain this world throws at us, this is the worst it will ever be; heaven is waiting. But for those who aren’t saved, however good it is now, whatever joy they have here on this earth; that is the best it will ever get. Hell (yes, it is real) waits on the other side (and is a lot hotter). Choosing a relationship with Christ brings the ultimate benefits. In addition to heaven, salvation comes with the benefit of true joy. Joy that doesn’t depend on relationships or life’s circumstances, but on a God who never fails. It comes with an eternity where there is no pain, there is no suffering, and pure happiness is found as you spend forever with your Creator. Finally, it comes with a confidence that your heavenly Father is working everything out for your good, no matter what! God is ready for a relationship with you, and He knows you by name, so what are you waiting for?




Young Adults/Outreach Pastor Rosedale Baptist Church