What The Music Industry Doesn’t Want You To Know.

3 min readDec 14, 2020

How many of you have listened to music today? Chances are you have or will listen to music at some point throughout the day. The average person spends roughly 18 hours a week listening to music, multiply that by 52 and you get 936 hours a year. To put that into perspective that is equivalent to watching Interstellar, 332 times every year! Needless to say, music has a lot of influence in our daily life. We all have a song that can take us back to a certain time and place in our life, songs that make us sad, happy, angry, even songs that make us think about *** (stuff married people do). But how does music affect our biology? Music has the power to create emotions in our brains through the release of chemicals. A journal from UCF shows us that music can affectively make you stronger, boost your immune system, evoke memories, make you a better/worse communicator, change your ability to perceive time and how you think…. And that’s only the emotional effects! Imagine the effects it has on your cognitive abilities. I mean think about it, there’s a reason for different music for different scenarios in our life. Certain music for the gym, for an epic scene in a movie, certain music you’d hear in a club, and especially certain music for worship. Music has such a great influence on our life. Even more so imagine the effects it has on your relationship with God! Proverbs 24:3 tell us to “guard our hearts”, are we guarding our hearts with the music we listen to?

Photo by Simon Noh on Unsplash

The bible tells us that Satan was the “anointed cherub”, this means that he was the highest of all angels, I mean think about it… he was able to convince 1/3rd of the Angels to follow him instead of God. But Satan also had another job which some say was to be in charge of music, based off of Ezekiel 28:13. Logically, it would make sense that the highest angel would be in charge of the worship of God, however this cannot be confirmed. What can be confirmed however is that Satan is certainly in charge of the music industry today. If we were to test all of the music in today’s culture through the Philippians 4:8 test, how many would pass through? Pry not many. It is going to be very difficult to have a strong relationship with God, if you are listening to music that tells you to go have sex, go do drugs, go live it up because tomorrow doesn’t matter. These are all the lies of Satan that he wants to indoctrinate in us from a young age. I mean geez, I hear five- and six-year old’s nowadays singing Nicki Minaj, I think that’s the next issue after the pandemic haha. Music today is brainwashing society and I would expect nothing else from the enemy who is more cunning and crafty than we could even imagine.

If I were to examine my life, and I would imagine you as well; when I am at my deepest with God, I am at my deepest with Christian music too. When I am drifting from God, I am drifting into secular music. Why is that? Well music is typically a good gage of your heart condition, if your heart is in line with God, you will WANT to worship Him and listen to music that honors Him. However, when you are walking away from Him or stagnant, you WANT to worship your flesh, and what does your flesh want? It wants you to honor yourself by feeling good (sex, drugs etc.). Now comes the tough part…If you are running toward God and listening to Christian music, then keep it up, and pray for those in the music industry that God would do a work in their heart! However, if you are one struggling with the music in your life, I would challenge you to go the next two weeks Christian music only. It won’t be easy; it’ll be a battle of your flesh. Go those next two weeks and see if you don’t feel a difference in your relationship with God. I guarantee it will be worth it. Music will influence your life no matter what, question is will it draw you closer to God or drag you away…




Young Adults/Outreach Pastor Rosedale Baptist Church